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H5 Building Poles and Piles


H5 Building Poles and Piles

Timber piling solutions have significant advantages over other building materials, particularly from a sustainability perspective. Extensive research by independent Government bodies has established the engineering properites of Radiata Pine leading to its everyday use in structural applications. Goldpine's High Density Piles are produced from timber harvested from sustainably managed plantation forests and provide stronger and better value options, that can reduce the costs of necessary ground remediation or foundation requirements.

Goldpine High Density Piles are the best value option

Choosing Goldpine High Density Piles means you can get even more strength in your solution compared to low/medium density timber. Specifying Goldpine high density poles, may also allow you to get the same load and strength requirements you need, from a smaller piece of timber meaning your design delivers even better value. Make sure your solution has specified Goldpine High Density Piles to make sure you're getting the best value option.

Strength, flexibility and great for the environment

Timber has an excellent strength-to-weight ratio and a combination of strength properties that are admirably suited for building and structural purposes. When designed properly, timber used for the ground remediation, foundation, structural design, fit-out or thermal performance of a building, contributes significantly in reducing the overall environmental impact of that building.

"Timber piles provided a foundation solution that was cost effective and quick to install."

— Danny Whiting — Consortium Construction Ltd, Contractors on the Moorhouse Avenue and Cranford Street commercial buildings.

50 Year Treatment Guarantee

Goldpine is able to offer a full 50 year treatment guarantee (against insect and fungal attack) on all posts and poles we produce.

Goldpine High Density Piles are the right choice

Typically building poles and piles are specified by SED (small end diameter), but the specifications of each timber pile for construction or structural use, are controlled by strict New Zealand Standards. You need to ensure you're selecting your timber piles from a producer with a proven track record of exceeding these necessary standards and meeting their commitments. Here at Goldpine our team of Outdoor Timber Specialists will find you the best value solution and deliver on their commitment to you.